Low Back Pain Treatment

Low Back Pain Treatment
Low Back Pain Treatment

Sam Simon passed away yesterday. He was one of the creative founder's of the extremely popular show "The Simpsons". He died of colorectal cancer. What is important to note is that "The Simpsons" didn't just entertain people but influenced television in a historic way, changing the fabric of television and greatly influencing shows like "South Park" and "Family Guy". His contribution to society is thanked deeply by us Cross Bay Physical Therapy.

Three Causes Of Low Back Pain

Low back pain has many causes. Our Howard Beach Physical Therapy office figures out this cause and focuses on removing it in order to permanently get rid of back pain. For example, one common cause of low back pain is poor posture.

Hunching over one’s desk, not sitting or standing straight, sleeping incorrectly all have to do with poor posture that are most likely causing back pain. Our howard beach physical therapists then work to strengthen the muscles that automatically provide good posture as well as point out the ways in which your posture is causing you pain.

Another common cause of low back pain is sudden injury. A sudden trauma like lifting a heavy object to quickly or twisting your back during exercise can strain the back muscles giving one intense pain every time you move. A third cause of low back pain could be arthritis, which is a degenerative joint disease.

Get Physical Therapy!

One thing that we will do at Cross Bay Physical Therapy is figure out the cause of your back pain. Then, after a thorough evaluation, our physical therapists set up a treatment plan with exercises, stretching, and massage that targets the injured back muscles, helping them to heal, alleviate pain, and increase their strength.

To soothe, we use a combination of massage, stretching, heat, and electrical stimulation (not painful, don’t worry :)) at physical therapy. Then, with strengthening and stretching exercise, we get your back muscles to their original full health.

Stretches To Loosen Those Low Back Muscles

Patients with on-going back pain may find that it takes several weeks or months to increase the mobility of the soft tissue in one’s back but once mobility increases, a marked amount of back pain disappears. Here are a few low back exercises that loosen the tight back muscles and if done regularly, can tremendously help to alleviate low back pain.

  1. Lie down. Place your hands behind both of your knees and gently pull your knees into your chest. Hold this stretch for 1 minute.
  2. Lie down. Put both feet on the floor. Grab one single knee and pull it up to your chest. Then repeat stretch with your other knee. Hold this stretch for 1 minute for each leg.
  3. Lie down. Put both feet on the floor. Lift one leg and put it over your knee where the side of the calf is over this knee. Then grab the back of the knee that is still on the floor and pull the knee into your chest. You should feel a stretch in your hip and on the side of your leg. Hold this stretch for 1 minute and switch legs.

These 3 stretches should provide some relief to your back pain as they loosen the low back muscles and the muscles that support the low back.

Schedule An Evaluation Now!

Cross Bay Physical Therapy is located in Howard Beach, Queens. Call 718-835-0084 and schedule your evaluation now! We also serve as Ozone Park Physical Therapy and for many of the other surrounding areas in Queens as well.

Call 718-835-0084 now!

By Benjamin Bieber