Physical Therapy For Back Pain and Injury in New York
There can be many causes of back pain and it is the job of our physical therapists to find the causes and the correct treatment to help you relieve back pain and injury.
There can be many causes of back pain and it is the job of our physical therapists to find the causes and the correct treatment to help you relieve back pain and injury.
Many people suffer from arthritis in their shoulder. Physical Therapy will help you strengthen the shoulder allowing you to move the shoulder without increased pain. Since arthritis is a degenerative condition, by actively strengthening the shoulder, you can slow the pace of the arthritis and build a strong shoulder to support your movements.
There are many strategies to relieve neck pain and at Cross Bay Physical Therapy, we go by the strategy of strengthen, stretch, and straighten up.
Our feet are shock absorbers containing over 26 bones, 33 joints, and 5 tendons and are able to cushion one million pounds of continuous pressure during only 1 hour of exercise. While running and walking, our feet support 1.5 times our bodyweight and therefore, it is no surprise that sometimes, we experience foot pain.
The summertime with it brings an incredible amount of opportunity for outdoor activity, which may mean occassional accidents but did you know that the leading causing back pain is poor posture or that an improper walking form leads to painful foot conditions like plantar fasciitis?