Treating Ankle Issues With Physical Therapy

Treating Ankle Issues With Physical Therapy
Treating Ankle Issues With Physical Therapy

Problems With Ankle Sprains

There are a variety of foot conditions that are helped by physical therapy. Ankle sprains is one of the most important injuries in the foot to apply Physical Therapy and trained physical therapists.

When the ankle sprains, usually during a twist or a roll, the ligaments, blood vessels, and sometimes tendons become damaged and partially torn. These all affect the ankle joint and the muscles surrounding the ankle.

The ankle is a crucial part of keeping balance for the body while one one’s feet. It needs to be able to balance the body’s weight and the foot’s subtle movements. By leaving the muscles around the ankle weak, the body can loose balance on any little misstep.

After a few weeks of healing, when your ankle is ready to be walked normally on, call 718 -835-0084 for physical therapy. There are several strategies we will implement to get the ankle back to it’s full strength. Through the combination of stretching, exercise, and therapeutic modalities like heat and ultrasound, the body quickly regains it’s strength.


Here are a few important exercises you can implement at physical therapy:

1 - Bosu Ball - This ball is available to use at our office. A Bosu Ball allows you to balance on your ankle while adding straining movement to strengthen the muscles. This is perhaps the best exercise to quickly regain strength and balance in the ankle. Do not attempt before speaking with a physical therapist or it could worsen the ankle if the ankle hasn’t healed yet.

2 - Calf Raises and Stretches - The calf is the nearest large muscle that can support the ankle. During a sprain, the calf assumes a lot of the movements muscle-based responsibilities. It grows tight and perhaps even weaker attempting to substitute for the ankle. Stretching the calf and strengthening it will do wonders to improve the ankle’s healing process.

After the ankle heals, it is still weak. This is where people develop chronic ankle sprains. They will roll the ankle and keep rolling it because it is weak. Using physical therapy counters this so you will have no more injuries in your ankle.

With physical therapy, an ankle brace until the ankle is stronger will stop any injury from happening as well. The brace restricts movement of the ankle making it nearly impossible to re-injure the ankle until taking on a risk.

Schedule Your Evaluation Today!

Cross Bay Physical Therapy is located in Howard Beach, Queens. Call 718-835-0084 and schedule your evaluation today!

By Benjamin Bieber